Thursday, June 25, 2009

R.I.P. Michael

Wow what a day.....everything started out as normal, got up, went to work and as I logged onto my computer I saw that Farrah Fawcett has passed.  The ladies that I worked with all gathered around and we were talking about life and death and I had mentioned to them, "I wonder who will be the third one?"  As I said this, my co-workers were looking at me in wonder and I said, "you know that they always say that people die in 3's..."  

**Flash forward**  
A dear friend of mine sent me a text asking me if I had heard that Michael Jackson had had a heart attack, at the time I replied "no" and quickly logged onto the computer to see what the internet was website confirmed him dead, another said he was in a coma...another said he had just arrived at the hospital...

As I sat there scrolling through the many article posts I was receiving several text messages from friends, not to mention the facebook update status of people talking about heart started to sink.

A few hours later it was confirmed that he had passed and I could not help but shed several I completely understand that in his later years Michael did a few things that were questionable but the reality was that Michael Jackson was truly a brilliant entertainer and a true genius when it came to the world of music.  Like most people of my generation, we grew up on him, as a child of color, it made me proud to see him become such an enormous figure in the world and in my most private moments, I loved him and danced to his music as my parents were asleep in the next bedroom.  

My heart hurts for his family and everyone who hung their posters on the wall, wore white gloves and red Thriller jackets, parachute pants, white socks and black loafers, for those who borrowed his dance moves and sung his songs.....he was truly an iconic legend in MY lifetime...

I am disgusted by those people who have chosen to take the low road and speak negatively of him and I pray that they find the peace within themselves to allow those who have passed on to truly rest in peace.

When I came home today, we played his music, watched his videos and as Elliah danced and played to my sorrow, I am so thankful that a man like Michael Jackson paved the way for people of color and provided us with an enormous library of music that is truly timeless!!

R.I.P. MJ....and thank you for shining your talents and gifts with the world.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Greetings friends and family,
First of all, I would like to welcome you to our page, and that I hope and pray life finds you all well.  I have been writing for several years and never thought to actually start a blog about how my life has changed since the birth of my daughter Elliah.

  One thing I have realized is how fast time has gone by and that in the midst of the chaos I often forget about the beautiful things that Liah offers each and everyday.  Personally speaking, having her has been the single most important thing that has ever happened to me and I am so grateful for her presence here on this Earth.  It's amazing how this little person was able to take over my heart in such a short amount of time and how at the end of each day I go to bed wondering how I can make this world a better and safer place for her.  
These writings are all inspired by her as well as providing the opportunity to share with our loved ones our own journey of life.  Our little ladybug will be turning 3 on July 17 and I wanted to make sure that I am able to share with people who are not able to see her all the time.  Elliah is nothing but pure joy and laughter and even while we are currently in the terrible twos , I am hopeful that this truly is "just a phase!!' 
