Hello family and friends, I have not had much time to write lately but as I was crossing off the dates on my calendar I realized that exactly two weeks from today Elliah will have her surgery at CHOC hospital. Although the time seems to be taking its time, I am glad that we have been blessed enough to find such a wonderful doctor to guide us on our journey. Yesterday was extremely annoying and I cannot even begin to say how ass backwards our healthcare system is here in the United States.
Daryl had received some paperwork from our insurance company a few weeks ago which stated that basically instead of having the lesion removed from Elliah's neck (which will inhibit her ability to breathe/swallow/eat) that perhaps Cortizone shots to her throat could possibly do the trick instead. Now I am not a rocket scientist but Elliah has seen 5 different doctors who have ALL recommended that she needs to have the cyst removed. I received a phone call from Dr. Ajuja's nurse yesterday and she told me how infuritated he was that our Aetna PPO would even suggest such a thing for a child so small. She then told me that insurance companies will often do whatever they can (especially when it comes to your children's well-being, can) to get as much money from you as possible which I found highly disturbing on several levels.....first of all, by no means are Daryl and I ballin'. As mentioned before we have a PPO for the simple fact that we have children and you never know what could happen, it is expensive and if I were to say outloud how much we have already spent on medical care WITH health insurance I would probably go postal. Don't get me wrong, Elliah is worth every single dollar and cent we have paid but it just makes me realize how crooked our s"hit"stem is.
When we got home today Elliah and I sat outside and all I could think of was what I would give to trade places with her. The thought of her having to undergo surgery breaks my heart and if it were not for the constant love, support, prayers and healing energy we receive on a daily basis I do not know how we could make it through this. All I know is that I was truly blessed with a child who has more charisma and charm than anybody I know. Elliah is truly a blessing and she makes me want to be a better person every single day. From the moment she came into my world, I was instantly better...not for anything that I did...simply because she placed all of her love and faith in me that I was capeable of loving her the way that she deserved to be loved.
God bless you always Bootsy...mommy and daddy are envious of your strength....
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